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PATRIOT Baynes Carter[1]

Male 1748 - 1788  (40 years)

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  • Name Baynes Carter 
    • Q3 Haplogroup
    Prefix PATRIOT 
    Born 1748  Goochland Co., Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died 11 Aug 1788  Henry Co., Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I67752  My Reynolds Line | Thomas Carter of Goochland
    Last Modified 23 Oct 2019 

    Father Thomas of Goochland Carter, Jr.,   b. Bef 1702, Goochland, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1763, Goochland, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 61 years) 
    Mother Mary Carrell/Carroll,   b. Abt 1737, Goochland, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1806, Goochland County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 69 years) 
    Married 24 Jan 1756  St. James, Goochland Co., Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F518495359  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Martha Mrs. Baynes Carter,   b. Abt 1755, Goochland, Virginia Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yes, date unknown 
    +1. Jesse Carter,   b. 26 Sep 1775, Henry County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Nov 1855, Goblintown Creek Patrick Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 80 years)
     2. Baynes to Georgia Carter, Jr.,   b. 1779,   d. Yes, date unknown, Georgia Find all individuals with events at this location
    Last Modified 21 Jul 2020 
    Family ID F518494831  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Photos

    DAR Application Josiah Carter - Baynes Carter
    DAR Application Josiah Carter - Baynes Carter
    Carter Family in Virginia & Georgia by Larry C. Knowles
    Carter Family in Virginia & Georgia by Larry C. Knowles
    Carter Family in Virginia & Georgia by Larry C. Knowles.pdf
    Virginia Historical Magazine
Henry County, Virginia 
Residents Who Renounced Allegiance to Great Britain and Swearing Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia
    Virginia Historical Magazine Henry County, Virginia Residents Who Renounced Allegiance to Great Britain and Swearing Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia
    1778 - 1780 Tax Lists of Henry County, Virginia by Lela C. Adams Copyright 1973-RFS.pdf
    1778 - 1780 Tax Lists of Henry County, Virginia by Lela C. Adams Copyright 1973-RFS.pdf
    1778 - 1780 Tax Lists of Henry County, Virginia by Lela C. Adams Copyright 1973-RFS.pdf
    The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
Lists of Persons renoucing allegiance to Great Britain and swearing allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia, for of Oath &c.
    The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Lists of Persons renoucing allegiance to Great Britain and swearing allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia, for of Oath &c.

    History of Thomas Carter of Goochland
    History of Thomas Carter of Goochland
    14103Thomas Carter c 1680.pdf
    Pittsylvania County, Virginia Inventories and Accounts Current 1770-1797
    Pittsylvania County, Virginia Inventories and Accounts Current 1770-1797
    Memoir of Thomas Carter by Unknown Author
    Memoir of Thomas Carter by Unknown Author
    Baynes Carter
    Baynes Carter
    Thomas Carter b. 1683 & wife Susannah Baynes-Baynes Carter line.pdf

  • Notes 

      [Full Ancestor Record]
      Ancestor #: A205523
      (CIRCA) 1749
      (ANTE) 11 Aug 1788 HENRY CO VIRGINIA
      Service Source:
      VA MAG OF HIST & BIOG VOL 9 NO 1 PP 11, 18; VOL 7 NO 3 P 255
      Service Description:

      Nat.# 712681 951 JESSE [1] ELIZABETH PHILPOTT
    • Beginning in the early 1770's, there was a migration of families from the Goochland County and surrounding area to southwest Virginia. Descendants of these families (Carter, Atkins(on), Dillon, Callaway, Tatum, Anthony, Bowman, Stoval, and others) can still be found in the beautiful and remote hills of Patrick and Henry Counties today. Baynes Carter and his brothers Josiah and John, third generation Carters, were among the early settlers who made their way south and west for better opportunities and more productive land.

      A 1773 Goochland County deed shows Baynes Carter and his widowed mother Mary, now of Pittsylvania County, selling their home place to Samuel Coleman Morris. Beginning a year or so prior to the sale of the Goochland County home place, Baynes, Josiah and John had begun to leave records in Pittsylvania, Bedford and Henry Counties.

      In August of 1774, records show that Baynes Carter, about age 18 or 19, received pay for 82 days service under Captain Abraham Penn in the conflict between the Colony of Virginia and the Native Americans of the Ohio Valley. This conflict, Dunmore's War, was named for the Royal Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, who organized a large militia to ultimately prevent the Delaware, Mingo, and Shawnee from settling or hunting south of the Ohio River. John Carter, an elder brother of Baynes, served in this conflict as well.

      Just three years later, Baynes Carter (age 22) and his brother Josiah, along with other citizens of Henry County, Virginia, were called upon to renounce their allegiance to Great Britain and swear their allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Their signatures appear on the on 30 August 1777 list of Edmond Lyne, Esquire. This demonstrates that both men supported the impending Revolution and qualifies their descendants for membership in the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. Josiah is also recorded in the Virginia Publick Claims for Henry County as being reimbursed for provisions supporting the war:
    • Few records have surfaced on Baynes Carter but we know that he purchased ?sundries? at the estate sale of John Hail in Pittsylvania County (Inventory recorded 26 September 1774). He also served as a guard for his county in 1777: 'Henry County Levy is made to Baines [sic] Carter, guarding, same 5 days.' On 21 July 1778, Henry County deeds show Josiah Carter conveying and selling to his brother Baynes 89 acres of land crossing Little Reedy Creek and Reed Creek to the mouth of said creek on Smith River. Over the next few years, several other Henry County land transactions are recorded concerning Baynes Carter. In 1780, Josiah Carter transferred some of his Reedy Creek property to his brother Baynes due to damages sustained by Baynes resulting from a grist mill operation. [This land is located near the present-day intersection of Route 220 and State Route 57 between Bassett and Collinsville, Virginia. [Josiah Carter's grist mill was still standing there as of 1920.] About the time Josiah Carter transferred the Reedy Creek property to his brother Baynes, Josiah, along with a contingent of other Henry County, Virginia, families, migrated farther south to the state of Georgia.

      It's not until a land transaction on 24 June 1784 that we learn Baynes Carter has a wife: Baynes Carter and his wife Martha sell 221 acres of land on Reed Creek to George Hairston. To date no marriage record or bond has been found and Martha's surname remains unknown, but other records conclude that Baynes and Martha had been married at least 10 years by this time. In 1788, just a few years after the sale of the 221 acres of land, Baynes Carter passed away, leaving a widow and a son Jesse, age 13.
    • Pittsylvania County, Virginia 1774 AC1, p.20 John HAIL'S Inventory
      Inventory of Estate of John HAILE, decd. 8 Mar 1773 by Mordica HORD, Henry BARKSDALE, James SPENCER. [Items Total 39.16.9
      Account of sales of above estate sold - sundries to: James Sturgin, John Rowland, Richard Copland, Mordica Hord, David Chadwell, James Blevins, Lewis Grisham, BAINES CARTER, Robert CAVE. Total 38.7.3

  • Sources 
    1. [S54] DAR.
      John Q Carter born 24 Jun 1852 at Patrick Co VA
      died at Bassett Henry Co VA on 12 Jul 1921 and his ( 1st ) wife Nancy Jane Haynes born on - - 1857 at Floyd Co VA died at Bassett Henry Co VA on 19 - Mar - 1924 married on 23 - Jan - 1877
      married at Henry Co VA

      The Said John Q Carter was the child of Jerman W Carter born on - - 1820 at Patrick Co VA died at Bassett Henry Co VA on 10 - Jul - 1870 and his ( 1st) wife Sophia Hagood born on - - 1836 at Patrick Co VA died at Henry Co VA on 15 - Oct - 1876 married on 7 - Feb - 1851 married at Patrick Co VA

      The Said Jerman W Carter was the child of
      Baynes Carter born on 2 - Nov - 1796 at Henry Co VA died at Patrick Co VA on 29 - Nov - 1865 and his (1st) wife Julia B Philpott born on (c) - - 1800 at VA died at Franklin Co VA on 13 - Jul - 1884 married on - -

      The Said Baynes Carter was the child of
      Jesse Carter born on 26 - Sep - 1775 at Henry Co VA died at Goblintown Creek Patrick Co VA on 26 - Nov - 1855 and his (1st) wife Elizabeth Philpott born on 1 - Aug - 1780 at Charles Co MD
      died at Patrick Co VA on 15 - Sep - 1829 married on (p) 25 - May - 1795 married at Henry Co VA
      The Said Jesse Carter was the child of Baynes Carter born on (c) - - 1749 at ____ died at Henry Co VA on (a) 11 - Aug - 1788 and his (1st) wife Martha born on - - at ___ died at _________ on - - married on (a) 26 - Sep - 1775,Carter,8682::carter::14297.html
      WAR OF 1812 PENSIONERS with Carter Surname
      Banes (or Bains), Julia (Philpott) WC-31891, m 27 Apr 1817 Patrick Cty VA, sd Nov 1865, wd 9 Jul 1884, srv T. Graves' VA Mil, lived Patrick Cty VA

    2. [S78] Tax Record,
      Henry County Tax Record for 1778-1780
      Baynes Carter pp23
      James Mitchell
      Elizabeth Webb
      William, Henry, Smith, Isham
      Thomas Terry pp.21
      James Turpin pp.21
      Matthew Wells "
      John Wells "
      Joseph Anthony pp.21
      James Anthony pp21